Time Capsule

I’m here looking back at old pictures for the sheer reason of trying to free up some space on my phone. I know I’ve taken a plethora of pictures that easily can be discarded. But it takes a bit to search through the amount I’ve obtained over the last at least nine years.

When looking back on some of those times I had. I really wish I would have lived in the moment more and enjoyed what was going on. I do have memories of what happened and I know I can’t go back and change that now.

I know it’s not New Years but who needs a new year when we just have been going through this pandemic for as long as we have been. I vow to make sure every time I’m really enjoying myself. I’m going to take a second, a minute, whatever I feel will help it stick. I’m going to close my eyes, appreciate where I am, listen to the sounds, absorb the moment. Time is truly fleeting and pictures surly capture that.


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