What I need..

What I need is something most people crave. Some find it and some settle for less. Love is an endeavor and a journey. And finding the perfect fit for yourself is like a puzzle, each person may not fit as a corner and maybe they’re more of a middle piece. Each person helps you grow to the person you have always been destined to be.

But one thing I know I’ve always needed is someone who is a motivator, a cheerleader if you must.

Someone who will say, “you got this”. When you feel like you really don’t got it. Someone to cheer you on from the sidelines and push you to get that thing done you’ve been meaning to do. Someone who will fight to help get you to your goals by boosting you up when you need it most.

Sometimes it’s in the person, sometimes it’s in the way they love. But finding your person can be hard and settling for less, is like settling for a lesser you.

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